How to Organize an Office Move: Office Moving Checklist

Last Updated: 
Monday, April 25, 2022
How to Organize an Office Move: Office Moving Checklist

Table of Contents

    Office relocation is always a pleasant and inspiring moment, but the list of tasks you have to do before, during, and after your move often spoils the moment of excitement. Especially when some unbearable emergencies happen and ruin your dream moving day. That’s why in order to have the office moving you want, we recommend reviewing our office move checklist that covers the most important stages and details you have to consider.

    Phase 1: Plan Your Move in Advance

    If you don’t want to panic because of another emergency during your moving day, it’s better to plan everything ahead. As a base, you can review top quick tips for commercial moving that focus on the most important things for successful office relocation. However, make sure that regardless of the basic things, to consider all the details for your plan.

    Get Organized

    We recommend you create a list or table with all the issues you need to think about and decide. All the details will influence your organizing and outline the plan for the upcoming moving. How much stuff do you have? Do you have any furniture pieces or maybe equipment that needs special attention? Do you have deadlines for moving? Have you already planned your space in a new office?

    Think about all the organizational issues. In case you don’t have enough time to spend on the office relocation checklist and moving, you can create a planning team who will be responsible for your office moving.

    Set a Budget

    Planning an office move, you have to think about moving the budget to avoid extra expenses and cover all the tasks. Do you plan to save your money or time? Will your employees help? How much moving supplies do you need? Depending on your budget, it’s up to you either to choose DIY or a reputable moving company. Of course, we recommend hiring professional movers for a successful office move.

    Make an Inventory List

    To understand the scope of work and efforts for moving, be sure to have an inventory list. Add all your stuff, marking the things that need special attention or professional handling. Whether you have specific equipment, furniture, or musical instruments, think about it in advance to arrange special packing or disassembling.

    Communication for the office move

    Phase 2: Communication

    Communication is the priority that has to be emphasized in the office relocation checklist. Office move is a process that touches your employees and directly changes their working routine. Discuss future relocation with your employees and find out whether they can participate in the moving process (for example, packing or lifting). It will allow you to understand whether to hire movers on all moving stages or just for specific ones.

    Relocation Announcement

    We recommend you pay special attention to the office relocation announcement to your team members to inform and excite all the employees about future moving. Organize a meeting or send emails to all the employees stating the reason for relocation and enlisting all the positive moments waiting for them in a new office space. Include contact information, moving date, and the plan of moving day. Try to do it at least one month before moving day to give time for your employees to prepare and adjust their working routine.

    Besides, don’t forget about your landlord, service providers, suppliers, professional organizations you belong to, Internet service providers, banks and financial institutions, insurance companies, telephone companies, food service or bottled water providers, etc. Make sure all the interested parties are informed about your office relocation to avoid unpleasant situations in the future or even extra expenses.

    Create a Chat or Email Address for Move-Related Questions

    To avoid misunderstandings, create a special chat or email address devoted to move-related questions. Of course, your primary task is to announce office relocation in the most detailed way with all the dates, time frames, schedule changes, etc. But still, people may have additional questions. A chat or email address is a perfect way to organize the influx of such questions.

    preparing for the office move

    Phase 3: Preparing for the Move

    After you plan for your dream move day, it’s time to add the preparation phase to your office move checklist. Preparation is connected to choosing a professional moving company that will handle your move.

    In order to assure zero stress in the future, spend time researching moving companies and choosing a reputable one. Based on your needs, choose either full-service movers who handle moves from start to finish or partial DIY movers on the scope of work you need help. Or maybe you have a team for packing and lifting, so the truck only choice is perfect for you. At this stage, all your planning becomes handy and allows taking the most suitable moving model.

    Design Floor Plan

    Add the floor plan design to your preparation phase to know whether you have to create space for movers to move your belongings in and out of your buildings.

    Check the sizes of elevators, stairs, and doorways in both old and new locations to prepare the furniture or equipment beforehand. Share a floor plan with movers to prepare them for any inconveniences that require additional attention.

    Assign Responsibilities to Employees

    If your team is ready to help with your upcoming move, you should assign responsibilities to them. You can create special groups responsible for certain parts according to their abilities. For example, some people are in great shape and ready to lift something, while others can handle the packing. Make sure your employees have an adequate number of tasks not to make them stressed or overwhelmed.

    Consider Business Insurance Options

    Depending on the stuff you need to transport, add insurance to your commercial office moving checklist. In case you have valuable equipment, we strongly advise you to get an additional insurance from a 3rd party insurance company. Learn more about what kind of coverage you can get and protect all the valuable stuff.

    Consider Storage Options

    Following your move dates, you may need storage options that your should account for beforehand. Check whether the company you’ve chosen has storage options or find alternative storage providers.

    the move day

    Phase 4: The Move Day

    Finally, day X comes. At this moment, you have to be well-prepared to feel confident. First of all, get your moving team ready to have support during all the work stages. Monitor all the installations, assembling, packing, etc. At the end of the packing stage, take photos and videos of the space, including documenting all the damages. Leave the keys and all access cards to the landlord.

    At the destination, check that everything works to assure your employees have everything necessary for work. Check the electricity, HVAC, access keys and cards, locks, and kitchen & bathroom appliances. The earlier you notice something, the faster it can be fixed.

    after the office move

    Phase 5: After the Move

    After the move, pay attention to unpacking as a final point in moving an office checklist.

    During the unpacking stage, involve your employees in the process to have common areas, a lounge room, or a kitchen organized the way your team likes. Make sure a new space fits your team spirit and reflects your company atmosphere.

    Besides, test all the computers, IT systems, equipment, Wi-Fi, cable connections, etc., to make the transition from an old place to a new one as smooth as possible. If you have any specific professional equipment or you’re moving to a medical office, invite professionals to test everything.

    At the end of your move, confirm termination of your old lease and address update. Double-check that all the issues connected with the old address are taken care of, and your new office is fully associated with the new address.


    We hope our company moving checklist helps you to fully prepare for your move. Concerning handling a moving part, let SOS Moving take care of the rest. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, and think about how your perfect relocation will become a reality.

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